BHTF welcomes New Board Members

Bhutan Health Trust Fund is pleased to inform our valued donors and the general public that as per the Cabinet Order no: C-2/47/2020/454 dated 11th February 2020, the following members were appointed as the new Board Members of the BHTF Management Board.  Name  Appointed as
1 Hon’ble Lyonpo Dechen Wangmo; Ministry of Health  Chairperson
2 Former Lyonpo Sangay Nidup Member
3 Dasho Thinley Namgyel, Secretary, GNHC Member
4 Mr Karma, CEO, RICBL Member
5 Mr Dorji Phuntsho, CEO, RSEB Member
6 Ms Yangchen Tshogyel, Deputy Governor, RMA Member
7 Dr Pandup Tshering, Director General, Dept. of Medical Services, MoH Member

 The BHTF secretariat would like to enthusiastically and cordially welcome our distinguished members and we are sure that the wealth of knowledge, experience and the wisdom they bring will be invaluable towards taking BHTF to greater heights.

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