Lhuentse Dzongkhag Donated NU.265,539.55 to Bhutan Health Trust Fund.

Lhuentse Dzongkhag Donated NU.265,539.55 to Bhutan Health Trust Fund.

Bhutan Health Trust Fund extends deepest gratitude to the Dzongkhag Administration of Lhuentse and the people of Kuri Dozhi for their generous contribution of NU.265,539.55 (Ngultrum two hundred sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-nine & Chetrum fifty-five) vide letter No. F.No(20)LDHS/GC-2024/2063 dated 6th January, 2025.
Your unwavering support strengthens our mission to provide free and accessible healthcare in Bhutan, positively impacting countless lives and saving millions.
We sincerely appreciate your dedication to this vital cause and look forward to your continued support in improving the health and well-being of our nation. Thank you for your generosity and commitment!

Established in 2000 as per the Royal Charter, the BHTF provides a self-sustaining financing facility for primary health care programs including an uninterrupted supply of critical vaccines, essential drugs, needles, syringes, cold chain equipment and other related drugs or equipment procured by the Ministry of Health. On an average around Nu.525.77 million is released annually by the BHTF to the Ministry of Finance. The BHTF committed Nu.525.767 million for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024.

Lhuentse Dzongkhag Donated NU.265,539.55 to Bhutan Health Trust Fund.

Lhuentse Dzongkhag Donated NU.265,539.55 to Bhutan Health Trust Fund.

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